Selective Laser Sintering - SLS

Selective Laser Sintering traces a laser beam over the surface of a tightly compacted powder made of thermoplastic material. SLS is also a technique by which objects are built layer by layer. After deposition of powder, a laser beam scans the surface and selectively binds together the powder particles of the corresponding cross-section of the object.

SLS uses polyamide to produce fully functional prototypes. Objects have an excellent log-term stability and can be made watertight. Polyamide can even be used for biocompatible purposes.

Selective Laser Sintering is an excellent solution for:
- fully functional prototypes
- thermal testing
- series of small plastic parts
- large and complex functional objects
- rapid manufactering

Prototype techniques

Sotopia concepts offers various rapid prototype techniques:

Stereolithography (SLA) - Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) - 3D printing - Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)